Naturesorb (NZ only)


Naturesorb is used for environmental spill clean up and remediation purposes by fire departments, industries, airports, railways, transportation companies, garages and service stations, oil refineries and distribution facilities, oil wells and drilling rigs, marine vessels and harbours: the list is endless. Naturesorb is used to filter industrial wastes, untreated effluents, heavy metals, algae and polluted industry and mining residue wastes. For industrial and home use, Naturesorb absorbs PCB’s, oil based paints, inks and dyes, animal fats, vegetable oils and blood.

Available in 5lt Handi-Paks, 20lt Pails, 85lt Compressed Bales, Booms and Mats. NZ ONLY

Also available:50lt Truck Bags and 240lt Wheelie Bin Spill Kits NZ ONLY